1st Family Day for 2012 (January 01)

We're now on our second year!

The first year has been all but good memories. And I can proudly say that we have been so devoted and consistent about doing this religiously every Sunday. It has become a part of our system already.

As we enter a new year of new beginnings, I am very excited to start another phase of our journey. This site has been fully dedicated to most of my life's special events, although I admit having failed to put up the first quarter of last year's family days. But for this year and onwards, I will try my very best to be updated with my uploads.

Starting it off, our first family day for this year, happened to be on the first day of the year. A very important day to celebrate, be merry with the group.

The Rimando's had their post-Christmas lunch at their place where they invited us to be a part of it. Then it was followed by the much-awaited Bingo session at Mt. Melville, which was headed by none other than the Queen herself, Ina Letty. It was such an enjoyable experience. I lost $25 in total but that's fine. The guys on the other hand, had a few drinks while we were too busy playing.

Truly a memorable afternoon. I can only wish for another year filled with all happy and feel-good moments.


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