Anekh and Apollo in 2008 |
Apollo has been with us since October of 2008, at the time I was getting ready to migrate here. Hubby knows very well the necessity and convenience of having a service car and that was the main purpose of us acquiring one though we opted to just settle for a pre-owned for practical reasons. He was still in immaculate condition when we got him from another Pinoy who works at Fletcher as well.
In the last three years, Apollo had been a very reliable companion to us. But it wasn't until early this year when we started to notice minor troubles. Sorry if I can't elaborate on that. I know nothing about cars, the same way that I am not interested in learning how to drive them. The only thing I am sure of was the cause for him to finally breakdown. According to the report handed to us by the auto mechanic shop, our car got to the point of a blown head gasket and it would cost somewhere between $1500-3000 to have it fixed. OMG! That's a lot of money. We could have used him still to get around town or nearby place, but engine could just stop any moment and we don't want that to happen.
Hubby was so bothered. Clearly there was no other choice but to have it repaired. While discussing what to do best, we arrived at one common decision. And that was to get a new vehicle then just get rid of the old one (if anyone would want to buy it).
That same afternoon, we searched various car selling sites trying to find something that suits our budget. We have always wanted an Isuzu Navara ute. But if not too expensive, most of them were on manual transmission. We were losing hope... One phone call changed everything. Chad mentioned about an add on the Weekender. Without wasting another minute, I grabbed my phone and dialed the number. The next minute, we were heading to McKail to check it out.
The vehicle was parked right at the front of the owner's house and as we were getting closer I had this weird feeling that the perfect replacement was within our reach. I let the guys do the necessary checks. As per Chad's recommendation, the over-all condition is remarkable, apart from minor dent and scratches on the body. Moments later, negotiation was already made.
The following day, which was a Friday, after I have finished work, Hubby came to fetch me up driving his new big toy. It seemed so much different from when I first saw it the day before than seeing it again for the second time. The colors looked more defined now than it was. And it felt strange having to clamber up the passenger seat.
Meet Triton.
Triton side-by-side with Apollo |
It's been two weeks since he moved with us. Somehow, we are slowly getting used to having a huge ute. I know Hubby stills needs more practice with the U-turns and in-between parking. He is improving.
Triton is now officially a member of the household because we had him blessed last Sunday, by our friend Parish Priest, Father Bong.
Yesterday, on the other hand, the time has come for us to bid farewell to our much-loved Apollo. He has to seek a new home that will repair and take care of him. It's sad to have to let him go but that's the least we can do. If only I have a strong heart to face my fears and finally consider driving, I would have kept him. Thank you for the wonderful years we shared together... Adios Apollo!
Anekh, me and Triton |
And thank you Lord for all your blessings!