Enchanted Kingdom (July 14)

My sister planned of going to EK that Saturday morning together with the kids and us. Even before coming home she was already telling me that she wants to take her kids to experience the magic of Enchanted Kingdom.

Coming from far north to Sta. Rosa Laguna we were lucky to get there before 4PM. It rained so hard while we were at SLEX but stopped after a few minutes so the kids were like "yehey!". I could see joy and happiness in their faces as we entered the place. They wanted to try even the most scary space shuttle, but none among us adults wanted to take the ride with them *laughs*. I had the courage to try it many years ago but I would never wanna try it again. I'm pretty amazed that kids nowadays are inclined to be adventuresome at extreme sports.

We stayed to watch the fireworks. I just noticed it wasn't as extravagant as I had seen it before, few years back. The kids did enjoy it though. We left the place with uplifted spirits because it's not very often that we get to experience this kind of escape.


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